

在 Immer 之前,使用不可变数据意味着学习所有不可变的更新模式。

为了帮助“忘记”这些模式,这里概述了如何利用内置 JavaScript API 来更新对象和集合


import {produce} from "immer"

const todosObj = {
id1: {done: false, body: "Take out the trash"},
id2: {done: false, body: "Check Email"}

// 添加
const addedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, draft => {
draft["id3"] = {done: false, body: "Buy bananas"}

// 删除
const deletedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, draft => {
delete draft["id1"]

// 更新
const updatedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, draft => {
draft["id1"].done = true


import {produce} from "immer"

const todosArray = [
{id: "id1", done: false, body: "Take out the trash"},
{id: "id2", done: false, body: "Check Email"}

// 添加
const addedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
draft.push({id: "id3", done: false, body: "Buy bananas"})

// 索引删除
const deletedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
draft.splice(3 /*索引 */, 1)

// 索引更新
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
draft[3].done = true

// 索引插入
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
draft.splice(3, 0, {id: "id3", done: false, body: "Buy bananas"})

// 删除最后一个元素
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {

// 删除第一个元素
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {

// 数组开头添加元素
const addedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
draft.unshift({id: "id3", done: false, body: "Buy bananas"})

// 根据 id 删除
const deletedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
const index = draft.findIndex(todo => todo.id === "id1")
if (index !== -1) draft.splice(index, 1)

// 根据 id 更新
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
const index = draft.findIndex(todo => todo.id === "id1")
if (index !== -1) draft[index].done = true

// 过滤
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, draft => {
// 过滤器实际上会返回一个不可变的状态,但是如果过滤器不是处于对象的顶层,这个依然很有用
return draft.filter(todo => todo.done)


import {produce} from "immer"

// 复杂数据结构例子
const store = {
users: new Map([
name: "Michel",
todos: [
title: "Get coffee",
done: false

// 深度更新
const nextStore = produce(store, draft => {
draft.users.get("17").todos[0].done = true

// 过滤
const nextStore = produce(store, draft => {
const user = draft.users.get("17")

user.todos = user.todos.filter(todo => todo.done)


请注意,当处理包含通常由某个 id 标识的对象的数组时,我们建议使用基于 Map 或索引的对象(如上所示)而不是执行频繁的查找操作,查找表通常执行效率更高。